Monday, October 15, 2007

Sharing my thoughts with you…

The chosen articles are 43 things I might want to do this year & 20 reasons why learning emerging technologies is part of every librarian’s job.
43 things I might want to do this year has a great website for the creative expressive types. The article also recommends endless hours of different websites to visit. I will visit list of websites in my free time, whenever that may be.
20 reasons why learning emerging technologies is part of every librarian’s job seemed more of list one might use as key vocabulary on a resume. The last three reason was the most informative but over all I believe all of KRL could have answered this in their sleep except for using the correct in the now vocabulary.All in all, if you haven’t read these articles, try the others that are listed on the KRL2.0 week one website under Articles, Podcasts and Videos.